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415V Arc Flash Mitigation Scheme

Hudson McKay assisted in the development of the Arc Flash Mitigation Scheme for a large NSW mine.  The scheme is based on Hudson McKay's proprietary patented SafeARC Incident Energy Limitation system and optical flash detection sensors.  Since 2009 we have installed 26 modules at the CHPP providing incident energies <1.2 cal/cm2.


Mining Shovel Relocatable 4MVA Substation D&C

HMcK was  engaged to design and construct the transportable substation.  The substation was used to supply a Bucyrus “Acutrol PWM” 495HR Dual Propel Shovel, directly supplying the on-board 11kV System.  This machine is used in the open cut coal mining operations.  The resultant design ensured that all equipment was positioned so that it could be safely dismantled and removed for maintenance purposes. HMcK maintained design accountability for the trailing cable design, earth grid design; site supervision and site commissioning.


Fault Tolerant Control Network

Hudson McKay were engaged by large central Queensland mine to provide the D&C of a major network upgrade to support the integration of the duplication of the CHPP.  The network was based on a fibre ring fault tolerent network and was implemented without any loss of production or control by implementing a risk management based commissioning methodology.


Power Station Operations BI

Hudson McKay developed the original power station business management system in 2007 based on Microsoft SharePoint, SQL Server and OSISoft Pi.  The BMS provided real time data integration and aggregating of the ERP, LIM's and SMS data, automating the stations KPI calculations and reporting tasks.  In 2010 we released a significant upgrade to architecture improving the presentation layer and speed of the data layer calculations.   This upgrade was managed using agile development processes.


Bucket Wheel Reclaimer D&C

Hudson McKay was engaged to provide EI&C D&C services for grade of their Kawasaki BWR.  The BWR capacity was upgrade from 2.5ktphr to 4ktphr.  The scope of the upgrade included completely replacing the PCR, Drives, MCC, Conveyor Motor, Bogie Motors, Control System and associated cabling within a limited outage duration.


U/G Mine Surface Infrustucture EI&C

Early engagement allowed HMcK to develop the EI&C packages to 40% design deliverables early in the project.   The implementation of intelligent design processes and automated design tools ensured HMcK could leverage this early work for the next phase of design without significant rework and large additional costs.  HMcK was able to provide the detail design and control systems integration at a significant cost benefit to the client with the improved efficiency.  The adoption of intelligent design processes allowed a small and tight knit team to be across the detail of the project and follow the deliverables right through to operational status


Port Operations Technology Long Term Strategic Plan Development

Hudson McKay were engaged by the largest coal loading facility in NSW to review the current operations systems.  Through consultation with many stakeholders and by performing a deep dive we explained in graphical terms understood by the management team the current state architecture and laid out a plan for the future.  The aim was to provide autonomous operations, real time situation awareness, common user platforms and unified streams of business critical data to support capacity planning, automation of business processes and support predictive operations technology.


Goro Nickel PCS Team

Hudson McKay had a significant input into the design, development, testing and commissioning of the Goro Nickel PCS.  Hudson McKay supplied a committed and dedicated team to work as part of the owners team during the realisation of this major project.


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